Scottish Mountain Walks

Sron a’Chlachain

Loch Tay from Sron-a'Chlachain
Loch Tay from Sron-a'Chlachain

Sron a'Chlachain

Sron a'Chlachain is an ideal climb if you are in the area and looking for a quick climb with beautiful views.

It is not very high at 400 metres, but it is very steep.

It has a lot going for it, just park the car and minutes later the climb starts - and the view up Loch Tay is with you all the way.

The hill lies just behind the village of Killin and it should only take a couple of hours to climb and return - depending how long you hang around at the top.

Free parking is available in the McLaren Hall car park - marked on the map.

Some parts of this climb are quite boggy - good pair of boots required.

 Part 1

From the car park, head into the park behind the hall through the gate on the right hand side.

Go to the left of the circular stone shelter, and head for the diagonally opposite corner.

This is where the walk starts - a gate leads into the field, and you can see the path heading up towards the oak trees.

Sron-a'Chlachain - Start
Sron-a'Chlachain - Start

Just to the left of the gate, is a stone which is said to mark the grave of the mythical giant, Fingal.

He of the Giant's Causeway and Fingal's Cave.


Fingal's Grave
Fingal's Grave

 Part 2

Go through the gate, and the climb begins immediately, heading up towards some oak trees.

Cross the stile, and follow the path which leads steeply through the trees.


Sron-a'Chlachain - Stile
Sron-a'Chlachain - Stile

Already you have a fine view of Loch Tay


Loch Tay
Loch Tay

 Part 3

After you leave the trees, you have the choice of climbing straight up a steep grassy hill in front of you, or you can follow the easier path which leads round to the right.

However the two paths meet up again, and you are faced with another steep section, which leads up to some rocky crags.

It looks slightly intimidating from below, but is actually very straightforward.

At this point the rain cleared and a rainbow appeared - bonus!


Sron-a'Chlachain Rainbow
Sron-a'Chlachain Rainbow



Finally there is a very steep grassy section which leads up to the cairn on the summit.


Sron-a'Chlachain - the last part
Sron-a'Chlachain - the last part

 Part 4


At the top, the view up Loch Tay is just beautiful.  Enjoy, before heading back down the same way.


Loch Tay from Sron-a'Chlachain
Loch Tay from Sron-a'Chlachain

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